Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ginkgo and birth control?

would taking ginkgo biloba weaken the effectiveness

of birth control?

Ginkgo and birth control?
Should be fine to take together but I would avoid taking them at the same time period.

As far as I am aware, the only thing you have to be careful with as far as Gingko goes is DO NOT ever take it with any blood thinning medications such as aspirin or spontaneous bleeding could occur.

It is St Johns Wort that you have to avoid whilst on birth control. This herb increases the enzyme in the liver that breaks down hormone thous reducing the concentration of hormone in the blood.

As answered by a Herbalist with a PhD, so presumably most knowledgeable in this area:

(quote)%26quot;A: There is no credible research or report suggesting an effect of ginkgo on birth control.%26quot;(unquote)

Source: [ ]

(Scroll down the page until you find the highlighted words birth control)

Plus it is not listed in this herb-drug (birth control) interactions table from the American Botanical Council%26#039;s Mayo Clinic Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program:

(scroll down to table)

If in doubt ever over a herb affecting a drug you might take, I recommend asking a Pharmacist - they are usually quite knowlegeable on herb-drug interactions.

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